Sunday, October 14, 2007

I feel dirty

On Friday afternoon, while we were out shopping for Nerf gun parts for another project of his, Nick talked me into buying an issue of Cosmopolitan. I swear it was his idea, because he saw the "100 facts you should know about men" article and wanted to laugh at how stupid they were. I'll admit it was rather entertaining at first. I was making fun of the one that said men with long ring fingers have higher testosterone levels and are more athletic or better in bed or something. But apparently there is some truth to the claim. My dad said he saw some guy on TV using finger length to predict the winner of a race, and he was right nine times out of ten. For some reason, this made me think of that episode of Seinfeld when Jerry dates a woman who has man-hands.

By #20 or so on the list I couldn't take it anymore, so I dragged Nick into the hardware store. There's something fundamentally wrong about a girl having to tell her boyfriend to put down Cosmo so they can go look at stuff in Home Depot, so we threw the thing under the back seat of my car and it's been there ever since. (In his defense, the trip was his idea and he later redeemed his lost masculinity by spending all night shooting things.)

...wait, my ring finger is a lot longer than my index finger. Hmm.
